Minutes January 2022


Minutes of the meeting of Llanwrda Community Council held via MS Teams on Wednesday 19th January, 2022.

Chairman: Councillor J. Shipton
Councillors: R. Jones, J. Thompson, B. Haworth, M. Carroll, A. Turnbull
County Councillor A. Davies

1. Apologies
Councillor B. Saunders

2. Minutes of the meeting held 17th November, 2022
Minutes accepted as correct.

3. Declaration of Interest
County Councillor A. Davies – Cornwallis

4. Matters arising from the minutes:

9 (a) Play Area
Following a donation appeal from Cornwallis a cheque of £1,750.00 had been sent to cover payment of cutting the grass, etc. around the play equipment. The cheque was made payable to Letitia Cornwallis Trust as per the appeal letter. The cheque was refused by the bank and members of Cornwallis requested that the cheque should be made payable to Cornwallis Charity School Fund. The Play Area inspection file continued to be with Councillor M. Carroll. The Clerk had arranged the cleaning of the play equipment as per the report received last year from Carmarthenshire County Council. Mr H. Gwynne Fencing to carry out the work.

8 (1) Road to Llanwrda Station, moss on road, repairs to pavement, Hedge.
It was discussed and agreed to remove these from the Agenda as the work had been carried out.

9 (2) Public Footpaths
Mr H. Gwynne Fencing had met with Mr Richard Rees, to discuss the clearing of the Footpaths.

Bridge, etc. – Bishop’s Mill
It was agreed to remove this from the Agenda for the time being as a fresh survey was going to be carried out by Carmarthenshire County Council.

Green Spaces – Lesley Griffiths A.M.
Lesley Griffiths, A.M. was responsible for Rural Affairs, it was therefore discussed and agreed that we write for advice regarding reducing the speed limit on country roads in rural areas. A lengthy discussion following regarding what had happened in the past regarding Llanwrda, and it was confirmed that the speed limit would be reduced in 2023 to 20 m.p.h.

9 (ii) Village Speed limit/Community Speed Watch group
Nothing to report

9 (iii) Web Site
No events were being held.

9 (iii) Street Lighting
The Clerk had reported that street lighting near Brodawel which was out of order but it had not been repaired to date. The Clerk to contact Carmarthenshire County Council.

9 (iv) Flashing speed sign
The flashing speed sign seemed to be in work order. The Clerk to remind Carmarthenshire County Council that they were responsible for its maintenance.

5. Reports

5.1 (b) Report from County Councillor
(a) Anyone claiming Universal Credits would be allowed to claim £100.00 allowance, approximately 1,000 claims had been received to date.
(b) Carmarthenshire County Council budget consultation was on line, everyone was encouraged to complete the consultation.
(c) Council Tax would increase by 4.95%
(d) No further updates were available regarding the strike by the Gritters.

(b) Report from Cornwallis Trust Liaison
Nothing to report,

5.3 (b) Report from Police Liaison
Absent from the meeting.

6. Correspondence
A thank you letter had been received and signed by every member of the Llanwrda Bloomers thanking the Community Council for all their support and giving details of the work carried out.
(i) Carmarthenshire County Council – planning consultation PL/03196 – Garreg Fechan – 3 pods.
(ii) Carmarthenshire County Council – planning consultation PL/03295 – Bwlchgwynt, Llanwrda – selfcatering holiday Flat.
(iii) Lottery Jubilee Funding
(iv) Community Woodlands Project
(v) Emergency Road Closure – C2161
(vi) Carmarthenshire Connected Communities Fund
(vii) Emergency Road Closure – U4231
(viii) Emergency Road Closure – 5/12/2021
(ix) Cambrian Mountains Society – slide show
(x) Western Gas Network upgrade
(xi) Unpaid Carers Grant
(xii) Councillor and WAG – power of competence
(xiii) Queen’s Jubilee
(xiiii) Ageing Well in Wales
(xv) One Voice Wales bulletin
Above sent my email to everyone
(a) Dog Fouling engagement survey
(b) Boundary Commission
(c) WAG – Draft budget
(d) Dyfed Powys Police – “are you safe in your area”
(e) Electoral information

7. Payments and Donations

Clerks Wages £416.00 (includes extra duties and postages/broadband)
HMRC £80.00
YNH (domain name) – £12.00

Urdd – Blaenau Tywi – £50.00

The December payment of £1,666.67 had been received.

(a) Budget 2022/2023
This had already been agreed.

(b) Signing of quarterly financial statements and bank statements
These to be signed at the March meeting.

8. Public Question Time
No one present.

9. Urgent business

9 (vi) Christmas 2022 – add to 2022/2023 budget
It was discussed briefly to add to the budget for the financial year 2022/2023 – Christmas presents for the village children, books, sweets, etc.

9 (vii) Dog Fouling
This was continuing to be a major issue in the village, Carmarthenshire County Council had prepared appropriate posters, the Clerk to obtain copies by the next meeting.

9 (viii) Defibrillator
The Clerk to complete the “circuit” form sent to everyone by the British Heart Foundation. Councillor R. Jones had agreed to be “keeper”. The date of the “pads” needed to be checked.

10. Date of next meeting
The next meeting to be held on Wednesday 16th February, 2022.