Minutes of the meeting of Llanwrda Community Council held via MS Teams on Wednesday 17th November, 2021.
Chairman: Councillor J. Shipton
Councillors: R Jones. B. Saunders, B. Haworth
County Councillor Arwel Davies
Councillor J. Thompson attempted to join the meeting but unfortunately there were issues with MS Teams
1. Apologies
Councillor Allan Turnbull, Councillor M. Carroll
2. Minutes of the meeting held 20th October, 2021
Minutes were accepted as correct.
3. Declaration of Interest
County Councillor A. Davies – Cornwallis
Bridge – Bishop’s Mill – Councillor B. Saunders
4. Matters arising from the minutes:
9 (a) Play Area
Mr Huw Gwynne was continuing to clear the rubbish from the Play Area on a monthly basis, also removing moss, etc. around the play equipment. Councillor M. Carroll continued to be responsible for the play equipment inspection file.
8 (1) Road to Llanwrda Station
(a) Moss on Road
The moss had now been cleared.
(b) Repairs to pavement/Hedge
Councillor B. Haworth and County Councillor A. Davies had met on site with members of Carmarthenshire County Council and the hedge was to be cut back as it had grown over the years and it would be monitored.
9 (2) Public Footpaths
Mr Huw Gwynne was arranging a meeting with Mr Richard Rees, Bridgend Garage.
Bridge – Bishop’s Mill
Caroline Ferguson, Carmarthenshire County Council, stated that they haven’t made any recent progress in this case, landownership differs at the location they’d hoped to put the new bridge and as a result they hadn’t managed to secure agreement pre-Covid.
Given the time that has elapsed sine they last visited the site and met with the landowners they feel the best approach would be a fresh survey and discuss the proposals again with all affected parties. This would be done as soon as possible.
9 (ii) Village Speed limit/Community Speed Watch Group
Nothing to report.
Nothing to report from Ms Lesley Griffiths regarding green spaces for rural areas.
9 (b) Web Site
Events were not being held in the Village due to COVID-19.
5. Reports
5.1 (b) Report from County Councillor
(a) Towy Valley Path had received a cash boost
(b) NRW Flood Maps available from1st December, 2021. No new build on floodplains.
5.2 (b) Report from Cornwallis Trust Liaison
Nothing to report.
5.3 (c) Report from Police Liaison
Nothing to report.
6. Correspondence
(a) Local Elections Report
(b) Western Power – Fuel Poverty Fund
(c) OVW – Appeal to pay SLCC and OVW membership
(d) Consultation on Second homes
(e) WAG – defibrillator fund
(f) Climate change in Wales
(g) CCC – temporary road closure Talley to Crugybar
7. Finance
Clerks Wages and HMRC – due December
Following a presentation given by the Trustees of Cornwallis at the previous meeting, an official request for a donation had been received. It was discussed and agreed to give the requested amount of £1,750.00 per annum towards maintenance costs of the Village Green. A copy of the Balance Sheet had been requested.
A budget report had been prepared and distributed and it was discussed and agreed that the precept would remain at £5,000.00
(a) Budget 2021/2022
This had already been distributed and agreed.
(b) Signing of quarterly financial statements and bank statements
These to be signed at the next meeting.
8. Public Question Time
No one present.
9. Urgent business
(i) Defribrillator
The British Heart Foundation had sent out an appeal requesting that every defibrillator had a responsible “keeper”. Councillor R. Jones agreed to be responsible for the defibrillator, the Clerk to register the information on the “circuit”.
(ii) Remembrance Sunday
Councillor R. Jones had attended on behalf of the Community Council and he was thanked for his work.
(iii) Street lighting
Councillor R. Jones had given the number of the lamp that was out of order to the Clerk. Todate it had not been repaired.
(iv) Flashing speed sign
The Clerk had reported to the County Council that it was not in working order.
(v) Pot Holes – School Lane
This had been reported to the Rights of Way Team of Carmarthenshire County Council.
10. Date of next meeting
The next meeting to be held on Wednesday 19th January, 2022.