Vision, purpose and community planning
Llanwrda Community Council has no jurisdiction over planning matters but can only comment on each application. Naturally, if there is an issue with the planning application that would affect the community it ensures that everyone is aware of what is happening.
Leadership and people
The majority of the Councillors have been in office for many years and therefore their experience helps to ensure the effective governance of the Council. Support is provided to new members.
The council carries out it’s employment duties
There is only one employed member of staff and that is the Clerk/RFO.
The council gives its staff the resources to carry out their role
The present Clerk has been in office for over 15 years, therefore is experienced in her role and ensures she is fully informed of any development relevant to her role.
Community engagement and partnerships
The Community Council has a bi-lingual policy. In the case of decision making processes that may be required, information is sent to every individual household . Each Community Councillor would be responsible for a certain area.
The council works with partners to help the community
The Community Council has not organised any community events, but almost every Councillor is a member of at least one committee/organisation within the village and update the Community Council on matters where relevant. Under the S137 regulation with the Council supports events/charities/organisations as required.
The council communicates with its partners and community
The Council absolutely ensures that every communications are accessible to all parts of the community. Many households do not have access to internet signals and therefore individual letters or face to face communication is used. Public question time is included on the Agenda of every meeting, also any relevant information is sent to the Postdatum.
Business processes
All processes are reviewed as and when required. Any discussions are included in the minutes, and Web Site.
The council understands how to manage its assets and facilites
The Council does not have any jurisdiction regarding asset transfers.
Resources and financial management
As mentioned previously, the Clerk has been employed for the last 15 years and no issues have been raised with the accounting systems. Financial reports are prepared quarterly and are signed along with the bank statements by an individual who is not an a council official or a bank signatory.
The council has suitable management and financial assistance processes.
Finances are discussed and approved at every meeting, please see previous above
Evaluating impact
The Community Council always ensures that first and foremost it considers community impact first to any new initiative, also endeavours to ensure if that there is anything that arises that is beneficial to the wider Community this will take this forward where practically possible.
Training requirements
Every member is attending Code of Conduct training in the summer of 2023. It is the intention that Councillors attend other training as the need arises. All are made aware of relevant training opportunities.