Minutes of the virtual meeting of Llanwrda Community Council held on Wednesday 19th May, 2021
The Chairman welcomed Councillor Alan Turnbull to his first meeting, and everyone introduced themselves.
Chairman: Councillor J. Shipton
Councillors: J. Thompson, R. Jones, M. Carroll, B. Haworth, B. Saunders, A. Turbull
1. Apologies
County Councillor A. Davies
2. Minutes of the meeting held 28th April, 2021
Minutes were accepted as correct.
3. Declaration of Interest
Web Site – Councillor A. Turnbull
Public Footpath 39/5 – Councillor B. Saunders
4. Matters arising from the minutes:
9 (a) Playing Field
The new Litter Bin had been ordered from Glasdon, exactly the same as was previously purchased. They could also provide stickers.
The play equipment was discussed briefly as there were alterations going to be carried out on the Cornwallis land. It was discussed and agreed that the Clerk enquire if it was possible to lease part of the land for the play equipment. The Community Association had purchased the play equipment and the Community Council the keep-fit equipment.
8 (1) Road to Llanwrda Station – Moss on Road
The Clerk to contact Mr S. Knight regarding the removal of the moss on the road. It had been agreed that the Community Council pay for the special fluid that was available to remove the Moss.
8 (2) Road to Llanwrda Station – repairs to pavement, etc.
The Clerk had contacted Carmarthenshire County Council and they confirmed that they would arrange to inspect the area. If the repairs weren’t carried out it was discussed briefly that the Community Council might arrange the repairs, we will await for the response from Carmarthenshire County Council.
9 (2) Public Footpaths
It was discussed and agreed to ask DHL Gwyn Fencing to clear the following Public Footpaths 39/1, 39/2, 39/3 and 39/4 and work in conjunction with the Public Rights of Way Department. The Clerk was asked to enquire regarding the bridge that had been washed away a while ago – footpath 39/5. It was mentioned that the advert for the work had only been on the web site for a few days therefore not giving everyone an opportunity to apply to Tender for the work. The Clerk explained that it would have been possible to advertise the work by word of mouth.
Community Speed Watch group
No meetings had been held due to Covid-19.
9 (ii) Village Speed Limit
The Clerk had invited Mr Mike Jacob to attend an MS Teams meeting.
9 (b) Web Site
The web site was discussed and many issues mentioned. It was agreed that the first step would be to enquire with Llansadwrn Community Council to ask if they would be interested in a joint website. The Clerk reminded everyone that we had a contract/agreement with We Dig Media. Web Development was the work of Councillor A. Turnbull.
It was reported that the Clerk was late sending the minutes to be placed on the web site.
The possibility of organising a public meeting on line was mentioned, although this might not be available to everyone due to no signal, out of date laptop/computer.
5. Reports
5.1 (b) Report from County Councillor
Absent from the meeting.
5.2 (b) Report from Cornwallis Trust Liaison
No one present.
The email received from Clive Roberts was discussed and it was agreed to contact the Secretary and explain the procedure.
5.3 (b) Report from Police Liaison
Nothing to report.
It was reported at this point that the Fly Tipping had been cleared on the Lampeter Road.
6. Correspondence
(a) One Voice Wales Area meeting
(b) Electoral Reform Newsletter
(c) Asset Management Leadership
(d) Planning Aid Wales
The above had been sent by email
(e) NHS – building a healthier future after Covid-19 – have your say consultation. Councillor M. Carroll agreed to display brochures
7. Finance
S.W.G. advert for Tenders – £127.44
Moving Bird Garden to Ffairfach/delivering to Llanwrda – £65.50
Replacement cheques (missing in post)
000903 Cancelled – One Voice Wales Membership – £80.00
000904 – Cancelled – C.C.C. – £1,397.09
An email had been received from the Llanwrda Bloomers informing us that they were once again preparing flower tubs, etc. around the village. It was discussed and agreed to give a donation of £500.00.
The April Precept payment had been received.
(a) Budget 2021/2022
This to be discussed at the September meeting.
(b) Signing of quarterly financial statements and bank statements
These to be included with the June minutes
8. Public Question Time
Cornwallis was again discussed at length, but with no representative we didn’t have any definite news. The moving of the play equipment and a request for us to lease part of the land was discussed. It was mentioned that they might remove Community Council representation but they would need to change the constitution. As was agreed earlier in the meeting the Clerk to contact the Secretary of Cornwallis, Lynd James.
9. Urgent business
National Grid – Western Power
A telephone call had been received from Mr Joe Crossley promising to send updated information, but nothing received to date.
10. Date of next meeting
The next meeting would be held on Wednesday 16th June, 2021, the Clerk had made enquiries regarding holding our next meeting at the Village Hall but there was no definite information available at the moment.