Minutes of the virtual meeting held via MS Teams on Wednesday 16th March, 2022. The meeting should have been held at the Village Hall but due to attendance issues the meeting was held via MS Teams.
Chairman: Councillor J. Shipton
Councillors: J. Thompson, R. Jones, B. Haworth
County Councillor A. Davies
Councillor Jon Shipton thanked Councillor J. Thompson for chairing the previous meeting in his absence.
1. Apologies
Councillor B. Saunders, Councillor M. Carroll.
2. Minutes of the meeting held 16th February, 2022
Minutes were accepted as correct.
3. Matters arising from the minutes:
9 (a) Play Area
It had been agreed that Huw Gwynne Fencing clean the Play Equipment and any other work in accordance with the Inspection report. He required water and electricity and the Clerk had contacted Mr Lyn Rowlands who agreed to arrange to meet Huw on site. No copies of the Audited Accounts and Insurance had been received from Cornwallis. It was agreed that a member of Cornwallis be invited to attend the next meeting. The Play Area inspection file was with Councillor M. Carroll. Councillor J. Thompson reported that new matting was required around some of the play equipment. The Clerk to contact Wicksteed or Carmarthenshire County Council.
Dog fouling was continuing to be an issue around the Play Area. The Clerk had already contacted Mr Michael Roberts, Carmarthenshire County Council.
9 (2) Public footpaths
The prioritising of the footpaths was discussed, the Clerk to contact Carmarthenshire County Council and the Chairman agreed to speak to Richard Rees for advice. No work had been carried out clearing the footpaths.
9 (ii) Village Speed limit
A reply had been received from Tim Barnes – Highways Team Leader regarding the letter sent to Lee Waters. His reply stated that they understood the issues around vehicles travelling at high speed through rural areas and the concerns raised. The Welsh Government routinely review the speed limits in the trunk road network and concluded that there should be no change at the current time on the A40 at Llanwrda.
Our County Councillor had succeeded in getting speed limits for Porthyrhyd and Siloh villages to 20 m.p.h. An email should be received for the public consultation.
9 (iv) Flashing Speed Sign
The Clerk had reported this issue to Carmarthenshire County Council on numerous occasions.
9 (viii) Dog fouling
As already discussed, the dog fouling issues had been reported to Mr Michael Roberts, Carmarthenshire County Council.
5. Reports
5.1 (b) Report from County Councillor
The Hot Tar Lorry had been around the unclassified road but had not reached Llanwrda
5.2 (b) Report from Cornwallis Trust Liaison
No updates.
5.3 (b) Report from Police Liaison
Absent from the meeting.
6. Correspondence
(1) Jubilee Big Lunch
(2) One Voice Wales – free trees
(3) Local County Council elections
(Councillor J. Thompson to send the Clerk a copy of the poster)
(4) Refugee Crisis
(5) Nominations form for local elections (Community Councillors)
(6) Declarations of Interest 2019-2020
7. Payments
Clerks Wages – £400 (translations £60.00, postage £30.60, Broadband/phone £36.00) = £434.60
HMRC – £92.00
Carmarthenshire County Council Footway charges – £1,117.67
Carmarthenshire County Council Lanterns to Led for the 2022 – £333.60
(a) Budget 2022/2023
Updated at the September meeting)
(b) Signing of quarterly financial statements and bank statements
To be signed at the April meeting.
8. Public Question Time
No one present.
9. Urgent business
9 (ix) Prioritizing footpaths
This had already been discussed earlier in the meeting.
The pads and batters for the defibrillator had arrived. Councillor R. Jones agreed to place them in the defibrillator.
10. Date of next meeting
The next meeting to be held on Wednesday 20th April, 2022.