Monthly Archives: June 2021

EU Settlement Scheme application deadline (30-June)

We are contacting you on behalf of the charity Settled, to make you aware about the 30 June deadline for applications to the EU Settlement Scheme. This email provides information about the scheme.

We would appreciate if you could forward this email to your councillors as they may well know people who may be affected. You may also wish to post some of the information provided on your community Facebook page if you have one.

The EU Settlement Scheme which was set up under the terms of the UK’s Withdrawal Agreement with the EU, applies to citizens of the EU and EFTA who came to the UK before the end of the Brexit Transition period at the end of December 2020. Similar arrangements apply for UK citizens who are living and working in continental Europe.

The EU and EFTA residents in the UK who are affected by this need to apply if they wish to retain their rights to live, work and study in the UK. Some people are not aware that this applies to them, including even some elderly veterans of World War II who came to the UK long before the UK joined the EU. In addition, the children of some more recent arrivals, who have obtained rights to live and work in the UK, need to have individual applications made on their behalf in order to ensure that they will be able to access healthcare and education in the future.

A short video (3-4 minutes long) providing an overview of the EU Settlement Scheme and some of the issues involved is available on YouTube using the links provided below:


Digital copies of posters providing information about the scheme can be downloaded by clicking on the images below or the links provided below them. These can be printed out for display on community noticeboards.