Local Authority updates on Covid 19

Bank Holiday bin collections

Refuse and recycling crews are working on Bank Holiday Monday (May 25), in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Residents are being urged to put their waste (including garden waste) out on their usual collection day.

They are also being reminded to put their bins out the night before as collections may take place earlier than usual.

Carmarthenshire’s Recycling Centres to re-open by appointment only

Carmarthenshire County Council will be re-opening its four Household Waste Recycling Centres from next week (w/c May 26) – but only to those Carmarthenshire residents who have already pre-booked an appointment.

Appointments can be made through an online booking form on a first come-first served basis. This is to ensure the number of visitors to the site at any one time is regulated in the interest of safety for staff and the public. Anyone arriving on site without an appointment will not be allowed entry.

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Currently all by-elections to fill vacancies for County Council and Town and Community Council in Wales are postponed and will be held on a date(s) between 1 February to 16 April 2021

Please continue to visit our Newsroom for the latest information.

Guidance for farmers

New funding to support Welsh dairy farmers through COVID-19.

Rural Affairs Minister, Lesley Griffiths, has announced funding for Welsh dairy farmers hardest hit by the recent exceptional market conditions as a result of coronavirus (COVID-19).

To support the sector during these challenging times, the minister has confirmed eligible dairy farmers who have lost more than 25% of their income in April and subsequently May will be entitled to up to £10,000, to cover 70% of their lost income. This will help ensure they can continue to operate without impacting animal welfare and the environment.

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Parks and playgrounds

The closure of county council-owned parks and playgrounds remains in force in Carmarthenshire in line with Welsh Government guidelines.

We appreciate that the lockdown rules do not prevent people from taking exercise locally, and that some open-access parks and green spaces may already be accessible on foot or cycle, however, we continue to urge people to maintain social distancing in these areas, and not drive to such venues. Whilst lockdown restrictions are in place, county council-owned parks, and our coastal car parks, will remain closed.

Unfortunately in recent weeks our staff have had to deal with gatherings of people and instances where people have travelled a considerable distance to visit against the guidelines about non-essential travel. This is not only a concern, but has impacted on our resources and that of colleagues in Dyfed Powys Police.

We ask for patience and understanding. Please bear with us and keep an eye on our website and social media feeds for further updates.

Warning over council tax refund scam

Residents in Carmarthenshire are being warned to be on their guard against a new council tax refund scam.

Fraudsters are contacting people via email to tell them that they’re due a council tax reduction running into hundreds of pounds.

The email implies the reduction is due to Covid-19 and because the person is on a low income or receives benefits.

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Highway weed control

We will shortly begin our annual weed control maintenance on our road network.

Risk assessments and safe systems of work will be in place for these works to ensure government guidelines associated with social distancing are adhered to. Please assist our operations and the safety of our workforce by observing the social distancing requirements where we’re carrying out these works.

Carmarthenshire has over 3,500km of rural and urban roads. Each year our highways team undertakes an extensive programme of weed control to ensure that channels, drains and footways remain free of weed and vegetation growth and prevent surface water ponding. This work also stops vegetation establishing which can cause drainage blockages and surface water flooding.

Maintenance also takes place on footways and carriageways to ensure that vegetation does not encroach and impede pedestrians, cyclists and other road users.