Minutes of the meeting of Llanwrda Community Council held at 7.00 o’clock on Wednesday 20th September, 2023.
Chairman: Councillor R. Jones
Councillors: M. Goddard-Pepperzak, J. Thompson (unable to join, issues with the link)
It was agreed to continue with the meeting, but none of the matters would be discussed only to note that a meeting had been held.
1. Apologies
County Councillor A. Davies, Councillor B. Charles Davies
2. Minutes of the meeting held 19th July, 2023
Minutes were accepted as correct.
3. Declaration of Interest
4. Matters arising from the minutes:
9 (a) Play Area
No further information received from Wicksteed regarding the outstanding Invoice.
9 (e) Dog fouling – school lane
No further complaints received.
9 (i) A40 – Llanwrda
A reply had been received from the Highways Team Leader explaining the guidance on setting local speed limits and concluded that there should be no change at the current time on the A40 in Llanwrda. If our concerns were regarding speed limits on the roads off the A40 then these are the responsibility of Carmarthenshire County Council. The Welsh Government would encourage anyone to contact Go Safe if there were traffic speed concerns.
9 (k) Bute Energy
Nothing further to report.
5. Reports
5.1 (b) Report from County Councillor
Given apologies
5.2 (b) Report from Cornwallis Trust Liaison
An email had been received from the Trustees explaining their appreciation of the financial support of the Community Council, they also hope that they can rely on continued financial support for the forthcoming 12 months.
5.3 (b) Report from Police Liaison
Nothing to report.
6. Correspondence
Carmarthenshire County Council – planning consultation PL/06302 – removal of lattice tower, installation of new tower, etc. – Pantybryn, Llanwrda, SA19 8BD
Carmarthenshire County Council – planning consultation PL/06419 2 Timber Pods – re-submission of PL/05695 – Garreg Fechan, Llanwrda
There were no comments/issues regarding the above planning consultations.
(1) Carmarthenshire County Council – latest news
(2) Code of Conduct training
(3) Save our Wild Isles Community Fund
(4) IRP forms for signature
(5) Carmarthenshire County Council – Minor Works Framework
(6) SLCC/OVW conference
(7) Hywel Dda – new hospital consultation
(8) Carmarthenshire County Council – 20 mph speed limit
(9) Carmarthenshire Public Convenience strategy
(10) 20 mph – message Edward Thomas
(11) Natural Resources Wales – Timber along flood defence
(12) Carmarthenshire County Council – HUB presentation
(13) Boundaries Commission – lessons learnt
7. Finance
(a) Payments
Zurich Municipal Insurance – £1,283.26
DHL Gwynne Fencing – £1,267.20
DHL Gwynne Fencing – £1,056.00 (grass cutting)
Clerks Wages – £530.60
HMRC – £116.00
(b) Donations
No requests.
Audit 2022/2023
No report received to date.
IRP payments
A letter had been sent to every member and had been returned and forwarded to the IRP office.
VAT Claim
A VAT claim had been completed but had been paid into the incorrect Account.
(a) Budget 2023/2024
An updated report to be sent with the November meeting in order to agree on the precept for 2024/2025.
(b) Signing of quarterly financial reports and bank statements
It was discussed and agreed that this quarter could be sent to Councillor M. Goddard-Pepperzak for signature.
8. Public Question Time
No one present.
9. Urgent business
9 (a) Christmas Tree village event
Councillor J. Thompson had supplied a Christmas Tree to the village over the years but was unable to contribute further. The Clerk to send a thank you letter. A tree could be purchased from Glantowy Farm, Llandovery.
9 (b) Co-option of members
We should make a further effort to co-opt members.
9 (c) Poppy Wreath
The Clerk to order one Poppy Wreath and arrange for Councillor R. Jones to receive before Remembrance Sunday.
10. Date of next meeting
The next virtual meeting to be held on Wednesday 18th October, 2023, the Clerk to forward a link at 6.45 p.m. Councillor R. Jones gave his apologies.