Minutes May 2022


Minutes of the meeting of Llanwrda Community Council held at the 8.00 p.m.Village Hall, Llanwrda on Tuesday 31st May, 2022, held following the Annual General Meeting.

Chairman: Councillor J. Thompson
Councillors: R. Jones, B. Haworth
County Councillor A. Davies

1. Apologies
Everyone present.

2. Minutes of the meeting held 20th April, 2022
Minutes were accepted as correct.

3. Declaration of Interest
Councillor B. Haworth – Road to Llanwrda Station

4. Matters arising from the minutes:

9 (a) Play Area
The Clerk had contacted Carmarthenshire County Council regarding a park inspection but no reply had been received, and had now arranged for Mr David Williams from Wicksteed to examine the wet pour in the Play Area. It was agreed to obtain quotes for the work that was required. DHL Gwynne Fencing were continuing to empty the Litter Bins in the Play Area as and when required. The Park Inspection File was with Maria Carroll and Councillor Brian Haworth agreed to collect the file and inspect the Play Area for the next two months.

9 (2) Public Footpaths – prioritising
This information had been given to Carmarthenshire County Council.

9 (ii) Village Speed limit/Community Speed Watch Group
Nothing to report.

9 (iv) Flashing Speed Sign
This was now working correctly.

9 (viii) Dog fouling
This was continuing to be an issue.

9 (x) Lighting on Road to Llanwrda Station
A further issue has been raised regarding the light on the road to Llanwrda Station. It was agreed to arrange a further site meeting with Mr Arwel Price, Carmarthenshire County Council, and the County Councillor was asked to attend.

5. Reports

5.1 (b) Report form County Councillor
(a) The UK Women’s Cycle Race is passing nearby in the area on 10th June, 2022.
(b) Cost of living payment was being paid to all who were eligible
(c) Free Nappy collection service available

5.2 (b) Report from Cornwallis Liaison
Meetings has not been held recently.

5.3 (b) Report from Police Liaison
Nothing to report.

6. Correspondence
(1) Carmarthenshire County Council Public Path Diversion Order 45/65 and 45/67, Cwmerchon, Llanwrda
(2) Carmarthenshire County Council, planning consultation PL/04035 – Construction of 2 replacement outbuildings within curtilage – Bancynos, Llanwrda, SA19 8HE
(3) Keep Wales Tidy Grant
(4) Climate Change Newsletter
(5) Future Wales 2040
(6) One Voice Wales training dates
(7) Local Places for Nature – garden pack
(8) One Voice Wales Bulletin
(9) We need your views – council studies
(10) Hedgehogs R Us – appeal
(11) Carmarthenshire County Council – Code of Conduct training for Community Councils

7. Payments
We Dig Media – £230.40 (annual hosting and updating website)
HB Enoch Owen – £87.30 (payroll annual charge)

No requests

Audit 2021/2022 report – unqualified
On the basis of my review, in my opinion no matters have come to my attention giving cause for concern that in any material respect, the information reported in this Annual Return:
(a) has not been prepared in accordance with proper practices
(b) that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements have not been met
(c) is not consistent with the Council/s governance arrangements and
(d) that the Council does not have proper arrangements in place to secure economy, efficiency and effectiveness in its use of resources
Other matters arising and recommendations
I draw the Council’s attention to the following matters which do not impact my audit opinion but which should be considered by the Council.
Clerk’s contract of employment
S.1 of the Employment Rights Act 1996 (ERA 1996) requires the Council to provide its Clerk with a written contract or a written statement of the specified terms of employment under within two months of starting employment. As part of the audit, we sought evidence that the Council had complied with section 1 of ERA 1996. We are satisfied that the Council properly appointed the Clerk and has agreed the salary. However, we are unable to establish if the Clerk has been provided with full terms of employment. In order to ensure clarity of the terms and conditions of employment we recommend that the Council and the Clerk prepare and sign a contract of employment as the earliest opportunity.

(a) Budget 2022/2023
This to be updated at the September meeting.

(b) Signing of quarterly financial statements and bank statements
These had been signed during the meeting.

(c) Cheque Signature
It was agreed that there were signatures that need to removed and members added. The Clerk to prepare a Mandate by the next meeting.

8. Public Question Time
No on present.

9. Urgent business

(x) Time of Community Council meetings
It was discussed and agreed that meetings would now commence at 7.00 p.m. instead of 8.00 p.m., if there were issues meetings occasionally could be held via MS Teams.

(xi) Co-option of Members
The Clerk had obtained co-option notices from Carmarthenshire County Council. Due to members resigning and offering their places to younger members, five new members were now required. Notices to be placed on the Notice Board, web site, Face book, etc. The possibility of maybe holding an open meeting/surgery to encourage people to put their names forward.

10. Date of next meeting
The next meeting would be held on Wednesday 22nd June, 2022 at 7.00 p.m. The date was a week later than normal due to the closing date of the co-options.