Minutes June 21


Minutes of the virtual meeting of Llanwrda Community Council held on Wednesday 16th June, 2021 following the Annual General Meeting.

Chairman: Councillor J. Thompson
Councillors: R. Jones, B. Saunders, B. Haworth, A. Turnbull
County Councillor A. Davies

1. Apologies:
Councillor J. Shipton, Councillor M. Carroll

2. Minutes of the meeting held 19th May, 2021
Minutes were accepted as correct.

3. Declaration of Interest
Web Site – Councillor A. Turnbull
Cornwallis – County Councillor A. Davies
Footpaths – Councillor B. Saunders

4. Matters arising from the minutes:

9 (a) Playing Field
The Annual Inspection Report had been received from Carmarthenshire County Council and copies sent to everyone. There were problems with the mating, algae, moss, etc., these to be discussed at the next meeting. Glasdon were continuing to enquire whether they could supply the Community Council with new dog fouling signs for the litter bins. The play equipment would be discussed when further information is received from Cornwallis regarding what is happening to the equipment.

8 (1) Road to Llanwrda Station – Moss on Road
Enquiries to be made with Mr Steve Knight as the Community Council had agreed to pay for the special fluid that was required to remove the moss.

8 (2) Road to Llanwrda Station – repairs to pavement, etc.
The Clerk had contacted Carmarthenshire Council and a reply had been received stating “I will arrange for the footway to be assessed, but any major improvement work will have to compete with footways in urban areas for a limited budget.” The possibility of organising a site meeting was discussed.

The road by the side of Hafod Bridge had also collapsed, once again.

9 (2) Public Footpaths
Details of the paths had been given to Mr Jason Lawday, Carmarthenshire County Council, and asking for further advice.

Community Speed Watch group
The possibility of organising a virtual meeting had been discussed.

9 (ii) Village Speed Limit
The Clerk was continuing to contact Mr M. Jacob, Carmarthenshire County Council, but no reply received to date.

9 (b) Web Site
The Clerk had contacted Llansadwrn Community Council regarding a joint web-site, but they would rather that the website remains as it was at the moment.

The website was again discussed and it was agreed to discuss this further when we have face to face meetings. The possibility of placing an Information Board in the village was discussed, the location, size and information to be discussed further.

Councillor J. Thompson continues to place information on the Facebook page.

5. Reports

5.1 (b) Report from County Councillor
(a) Carmarthenshire had two live consultations at the moment: (a) Waste Strategy and (b) New housing regeneration

(b) Cutting the grass verges – biodiversity was important

(c) The number of black bags and collected on a 3 weekly basis, food waste collections and kerbside glass collections was being discussed for 2022.

5.2 (b) Report from Cornwallis Trust Liaison
A reply had been received from Cornwallis who agreed that the Trustees would attend the August meeting to give everyone an update. There was an issue with 3.5 acres of land. The Clerk to inform the Trustees of the procedure when attending the meeting.

5.3 (b) Report from Police Liaison
Nothing to report.

6. Correspondence
(a) Community Action Fund for Volunteer groups
(b) One Voice Wales – Improvement Wales webinar
(c) Places for Nature grants
(d) How to implement compulsory purchase orders
(e) Dyfed Powys Police – annual report
(f) Public Health Wales – National Survey of Volunteers
(g) Carmarthenshire County Council – latest news
(h) Community Council Clerks qualifications consultation

7. Finance

Clerks Wages and extra duties £458.60
(Wages £400.00, Extra duties £90.00, Stamps £30.60, Broadband £36.00)
HMRC – £98.00
Glasdon (new litter bin) – £967.72

Audit 2020/2021
The emphasis this year with reference to the Audit:
(a) Copy of the Clerks Contract of Employment. There is no Contract of Employment therefore a copy of the minutes of the meeting confirming her employment was sent to the Audit.
(b) Evidence to prove that the Clerk was being paid P.A.Y.E.

IRP forms
Community Councillors were able to claim £150.00 expenses annually, if they don’t wish to accept the expenses it is necessary for the them to sign the appropriate forms. The Clerk to send everyone a copy with the minutes of the next meeting and return it to the Clerk if they did not wish to claim the £150.00.

(a) Budget 2021/2022
This to be updated at the September meeting.

(b) Signing of quarterly financial statements and bank statements
Copies to be sent to everyone and signed at the first face to face meeting.

10. Date of next meeting
The next meeting to be held on Wednesday 18th August, 2021.