Minutes of the virtual meeting of Llanwrda Community Council held at 7.00 o’clock using MS Teams on Wednesday 21st June, 2023
Chairman: Councillor R. Jones
Councillors: J. Thompson, B. Charles Davies
County Councillor A. Davies
1. Apologies
Councillor M. Goddard-Pepperzak (there was a problem with the link)
2. Minutes of the meeting held 24th May, 2023
Minutes accepted as correct.
3. Declaration of Interest
County Councillor A. Davies – Cornwallis, Bute Energy
Councillor B. Charles Davies – Bute Energy
4. Matters arising from the minutes:
9 (a) Play Area
An invoice had not been received from Wicksteed. It was discussed and agreed Llanwrda Community Council would be responsible for cutting the grass around the Play Equipment. H. Gwynne Fencing had been contacted and agreed to carry out the work. The work would be reviewed in September.
9 (e) Dog fouling – school lane
The Clerk had sent posters and the Chairman agreed to place them on display.
9 (f) Bancynos lay-by, Llanwrda
It was agreed to remove this from the Agenda.
9 (h) Cornwallis School project
Nothing further to report. To be removed from the Agenda.
9 (i) A40 road – Llanwrda
The Clerk had written to Lee Waters, M.S., but no reply received to date.
9 (k) Bute Energy
A reply to our letter had been received from Julie James.
9 (l) Cutting grass verges
The grass verges had been cut by SWTRA in time for the Eisteddfod. The grass verges that were the responsibility of Carmarthenshire County Council had been marked for a late cut.
5. Reports
5.1 (b) Report from County Councillor
(a) Carmarthenshire County Council were offering support as required.
(b) New museum opened in Pendine, 41 jobs would be created.
(c) A business procurement meeting was being held on the 18th July, 2023.
Councillor J. Thompson enquired if there was information as to how beneficial had the Eisteddfod been to the businesses in the Llandovery area.
5.2 (b) Report from Cornwallis Trust Liaison
Nothing to report.
5.3 (b) Report from Police Liaison
Nothing to report for the Llanwrda area. Although there had been theft on other farms in the area.
6. Correspondence
(1) Free Garden Packs
(The Clerk to enquire if these were available for individuals)
(2) OVW – Wales connectivity survey
(3) Revised Standing Orders
(4) Blood Donor Week
(5) One Voice Wales Bulletin
(6) 20 mph Communication – WAG
(7) Green Towy Valley scheme
(8) Carmarthenshire County Council – Bee friendly scheme
(9) One Voice Wales – Climate change bulleting
7. Finance
(a) Payments
Clerks Wages – £565.59
HMRC – £122.00
We Dig Media – £230.40
Wales Air Ambulance – £50.00 (chairman’s remuneration)
(b) Donations
A donations request had been received from Llanwrda C.C., they were setting up bursary fund to help young players. The Clerk to enquire for further information.
Audit 2022/2023
The information required by the Wales Audit Office had been completed. Part of their information required proof that Councillors had signed a form if they did not require the £150.00 expenses.
IRP forms
Community Councillors could claim £150.00 expenses, if they did not require the payment they must sign a form to confirm.
(a) Budget 2023/2024
This to be reviewed at the September meeting.
(b) Signing of quarterly financial statements and bank statements
These to be signed at the next meeting, on receipt of bank statements.
8. Public Question Time
No one present.
9. Urgent business
(1) Standing Orders
One Voice Wales had updated the Standing Orders, referring to virtual meetings, etc. The Clerk to note the alterations and forward everyone a copy.
(2) Fabric pop-up shop
Doughty’s of Hereford were bringing along a pop-up Fabric shop to Llanwrda Village Hall on 26th August, 2023. Councillor M. Goddard-Pepperzak asked if a poster could be placed on Facebook and the web site. This was agreed.
10. Date of next meeting
The Community Council did not normally meet in July because of the Royal Welsh Show. Therefore the next meeting should have been 16th August. But a message was received stating that no one objected to meeting in July. Therefore the next meeting would be held on Wednesday 19th July, 2023 via MS Teams at 7.00 p.m., the Clerk to send the link.