Minutes of the meeting of Llanwrda Community Council held at 7.00 p.m. at the Village Hall, Llanwrda on Wednesday 22nd June, 2022.
Chairman: Councillor J. Thompson
Councillors: R. Jones, B. Haworth, Arwel Davies
County Councillor Arwel Davies
1. Apologies
Everyone present.
2. Minutes of the meeting held 31st May, 2022
Minutes were accepted as correct.
3. Declaration of Interest
Councillor B. Haworth – Road to Llanwrda Station
County Councillor Arwel Davies – Cornwallis
4. Matters arising from the minutes:
9 (a) Play Area
Wicksteed had given a quote of £2,500.00 for the wet pour in the Play Area, and advised the Community Council to contact a local company to carry out the work as it would cost a lot less. The Clerk had contacted Adventure Playgrounds, Pontyclun and they had given a quote of £900.00 plus V.A.T. This was discussed and accepted. Once the work was carried out the Clerk to contact Wicksteed to arrange the annual inspection of the Play Area. Councillor B. Haworth was carrying out the monthly inspection of the play equipment.
9 (2) Public Footpaths – prioritising
No further updates received from Carmarthenshire County Council.
Maintaining public footpaths
Jason Lawday had agreed to a site meeting to discuss clearing the public footpaths. Councillor R. Jones, DHL Gwynne Fencing and Jason Lawday to arrange a site meeting.
9 (x) Lighting on Road to Llanwrda Station
A site meeting had been held with Councillor B. Haworth, Carmarthenshire County Council, and County Councillor A. Davies. Following a lengthy discussion it was agreed that this requires a proper consultation and would be removed from the Agenda.
9 (xi) Co-option of Members
It was discussed and agreed that County Councillor Arwel Davies be co-opted as a Community Councillor. One local person had shown an interest, the Clerk and Councillor R. Jones to enquire if he was continuing to be interested in being co-opted.
5. Reports:
5.1 (b) Report from County Councillor
Grass Verges were being cut next week.
5.2 (b) Report from Cornwallis Trust Liaison
No meetings held.
5.3 (b) Report from Police Liaison
Meetings were now being organised and County Councillors were invited to attend and Community Council Clerks.
6. Correspondence
(i) Local Places for Nature grant
(ii) Code of Conduct Training
(iii) Shand Prosperity Fund (CCC)
(iv) Carmarthenshire County Council Scrutiny committee
(v) Support Ukraine – Carmarthenshire County Council
(vi) One Voice Wales area meeting
(vii) National Forest for Wales funding
(viii) Guidance Local Elections
(ix) Shaping Wales Future
(x) Wales Nature Week
7. Payments
Clerks Wages (plus translations £90.00, Postage £30.60, Broadband/phone) – £458.60
It was discussed and agreed to pay the Clerk the minimum wage of £10.00 per hour for 4 hours a week work.
HMRC – £98.00
HB Enoch & Owen (payroll) – £87.30
We Dig Media – £230.40
DHL Gwynne Fencing (Clearing litter bins play area) – £580.80
(a) Budget 2022/2023
This to be updated at the September meeting.
(b) Signing of quarterly financial statements and bank statements
These were signed during the meeting.
(c) Signature
It was agreed that Councillor B. Haworth be added as a signature. There were also signatures that required to be removed.
(d) Finance and Governance Tool Kit – Wales Audit Office
The toolkit is made up of two parts:-
Part 1: The health check
The health check is designed to be completed by the clerk, working with the chair or a small group of members as appropriate, to assess whether fundamental governance and financial management arrangements, policies etc are in place, highlight any action that needs to be taken, and report back to full council or a designated committee.
Part 2: The self-assessment
The self-assessment will enable councillors to use the findings from Part 1, and other forms of evidence available, to reflect more deeply on how the council is operating, managing its finances and governing itself.
A copy of the Tool Kit to be sent to every member.
8. Public Question Time
No one present.
9. Urgent Business
(xii) Removal of Tree
It was reported that a Tree which was rotten needed to be removed, the Clerk to contact Carmarthenshire County Council for guidance.
10. Date of next meeting
The next meeting to be held on Wednesday 17th August, 2022