Minutes January 2023


Minutes of the virtual meeting of Llanwrda Community Council held at 7.00 p.m. via MS Teams on Wednesday 23rd November, 2022.

Chairman: Councillor J. Thompson
Councillors: R. Jones, B. Charles-Davies, M. Goddard-Peperzak
County Councillor A. Davies

1. Apologies
Everyone present.

2. Minutes of the meeting held 19th October, 2022
Minutes accepted as correct.

3. Declaration of Interest
County Councillor A. Davies – Cornwallis
Councillor M. Goddard-Peperzak – Footpaths

4. Matters arising from the minutes:

9 (a) Play Area
Following the annual inspection by Wicksteed Leisure, two quotes were received for the work, one from Wicksteed and the other from Adventure Playground, and it was agreed to accept the quote of £1,488.20 from Wicksteed

Monthly Inspections
The Clerk to contact Zurick the insurance company to confirm how often the play area needs to be inspected, monthly or weekly following the annual inspection by Wicksteed.

Cornwallis – extra land
This was discussed at length and it was agreed to enquire with the Trustees of Cornwallis regarding the extra land for play equipment. Whilst discussing the precept it was agreed to postpone contacting Cornwallis.

9 (2) Public footpaths – maintenance
It was agreed to arrange a site meeting sometime in the Spring.

7 (d) Finance and Governance Tool Kit – WAG
This to be discussed at the January meeting.

Training Plan Template
A training timetable would be discussed later in the year.

9 (a) Road is corroding, Swn y Nant to Bridgend Garage
Councillor M Goddard-Peperzak had contacted Carmarthenshire County Council “Fix my Street” and it had been reported.

5. Reports

5.1 (b) Report from County Councillor
(1) Changes to re-cycling would be introduced in January, information would be sent out to all households. No information had been received regarding the future of the present recycling Banks in the area.
(2) Carmarthenshire County Council had produced a Traffweb App and copies had been sent to everyone.
(3) A virtual Police meeting had been held and the problems in Llanwrda had been reported.

5.2 (b) Report from Cornwallis Trust Liaison
No meeting has been held.

5.2 (b) Report from Police Liaison
Councillor R. Jones had been unable to attend the last meeting, but the problem was reported by the County Councillor and had been dealt with.

6. Correspondence
(1) Carmarthenshire County Council – appeal regarding Garreg Fechan clamping pods. The appeal had been dismissed.
(2) Thank you for donation letter from Gwrdaf Church
(3) Thank you for donation letter from the Poppy Appeal
(4) Ramblers – support
(5) OVW – area meeting draft minutes
(6) OVW bulletin
(7) CCC – cost of living support
(8) War memorial workshop
(9) WAG – fuel support
(10) CCC – wellbeing plan
(11) Age Alliance – pension credits
(12) Council Tax – second homes
(13) Traffic web – how to access CCC
(14) Planning Services (Town Clark on-line)

7. Finance

DHL Gwynne Fencing – £292.80
Clerks Wages are due in December

The Clerk had called with Mr Richard Rees regarding donation towards Christmas lights, he suggested that the electrician read the meter on commencing and take a final reading. This was agreed.

Audit 2021/2022
The closing date received from the WAG had now been extended until January, 2023.

(a) Budget 2022/2023 and precept
This was discussed at length, the Clerk to forward an updated budget report in order that the precept would be finalised at the January meeting. A copy of the precept form to be sent to the chairman in order that it could be signed at the meeting.

(b) Signing of quarterly financial statements and bank statements
These to be signed at the January meeting. (or sent by post for signature)

(c) Signature – removal and adding
All outstanding signatures had been removed and Councillor Bethan Charles-Davies had been added as a signatory.

8. Public Question Time
No one present.

9. Urgent business

(a) Defibrillator
A request had been received from Councillor B. Charles-Davies for an extra defibrillator in the village, possibly placed on the wall of the Church, not everyone agreed on the location. This would be discussed further when agreeing on the precept. The Clerk reported that a defibrillator had been placed at the Station, Ffairfach, Councillor M. Goddard-Peperzak agreed to investigate if there was a defibrillator at Llanwrda Railway Station.

(b) Broken lamp-light – station road
A lamp number was required in order to report the fault, Councillor M. Goddard-Peperzak agreed to locate the number and send it to the Clerk.

10. Date of next meeting
Meetings of the community council would be held via MS Teams until the month of April. The next virtual meeting would be on Wednesday, 18th January, 2023 at 7.00 p.m.