Minutes January 2021


Minutes of the virtual meeting of Llanwrda Community Council held on Wednesday 20th January, 2021 at 8.00 p.m.

Chairman: Councillor J. Shipton
Councillors: J. Thompson, R. Jones, B. Haworth, B. Saunders
County Councillor A. Davies

1. Apologies:

2. Minutes of the meeting held 5th November, 2020
Minutes were accepted as correct.

3. Declaration of Interest

4. Matters arising from the minutes:

9 (a) Playing Field
Councillor R. Jones confirmed that he had the signs for the Play Area and would put them in place. Councillor J. Shipton had inspected the Play Area and the Rubbish Bins were full to overflowing, the Clerk was asked to enquire if Councillor M. Carroll had the keys.

8 (1) Road to Llanwrda Station – Moss on Road
Nothing could be done at the moment due to the continued wet weather.

8 (2) Road to Llanwrda Station – repairs to pavement, etc.
The pavement continued to be a problem and no work had been carried out. The gullies and gutters needed clearing.

9 (1) Foodbank
It was agreed to remove from the Agenda.

9 (2) Community Grants – Public Footpaths and Road to Llanwrda Station
It was agreed that a note be placed on the website and in Post Datum asking members of the public as to which Footpaths they would like maintained and also seek advice from Carmarthenshire County Council PROW.

Community Speed Watch group
No meetings had been held due to COVID19.

Keep Wales Tidy – Bird garden
Due to the present situation with the virus it had not been possible to carry out any work on the Bird garden. A representative from Keep Wales Tidy had offered to set-up the Bird garden, following a number of emails it was agreed that due to social distancing, etc. no work would be carried out the moment.

9 (ii) Village speed limit
A letter had been received from Mr Mike Jacob, which had been sent to everyone with the minutes, stating that that the changes to speed limits are initially made by the Carmarthenshire Speed limit Working Group. Each request is considered on an individual case, but would note at the moment the budget is fully committed. Also having scrutinised our data base which holds details of all Personal Injury Collisions in the last three years and there have been no recorded PIC’s in Llanwrda. With regard to speeding in general the Police and GoSafe Partnership rather than the County Council have the enforcement powers in this respect. There is a contact section for passing comments on the partnership such as concerns regarding traffic speeds. https://gosafe.org.

The possibility of requesting a reduced speed for the bottom half of the village from below the Church and past the Post Office.

9 (iv) Light at the entrance to Brodawel
This had been reported to Carmarthenshire County Council to be repaired but the work had not been carried out to date. The Clerk to contact Carmarthenshire County Council.

5. Reports

5.1 (b) Report from County Councillor
(a) Budget consultation will be ‘live’ until 3rd February.

5.2 (b) Report form Cornwallis Trust Liaison
Absent from the meeting. It was reported that the results of the feasibility study had been received and distributed. The Trustees would now consider every option.

5.3 (b) Report from Police Liaison
Absent from the meeting.

6. Correspondence
(a) Ysgol Rhys Pritchard, thank you for donation
(b) Llandovery Food Bank, thank you for donation
(c) Llandovery Food Bank, thank you to the Chairman for donating his allowance.
(d) 2021 Census – Posters available
(e) C.FF.I. Sir Gar, thank you for donation
(f) One Voice Wales – your town, your future – sent to everyone
(g) Virus updates
(h) Volunteer Recognition Grant, closing date 31st March, 2021 – propjec
(i) Amanzon, Courier – scams

7. Finance

No outstanding invoices

The request for a donation from Llanwrda Church was discussed, Councillor B. Haworth had information regarding a Church Fund, he would send a link to everyone giving details.

HOWLTA – membership was due in April

(a) Budget 2021/2022 and Precept
Copies of the financial budget had been sent to everyone. Following a discussion, it was agreed to reduce the Precept for 2021/2022 to £5,000.00. The Chairman would sign the appropriate paperwork.

(b) Signing of quarterly financial statements and bank statements
These to be prepared by the end of March.

Audit – 2020/2021
Except for the matters reported below, on the basis of our review, in our opinion, the information contained in the Annual Return is in accordance with proper practices and no matters have come to our attention giving cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements have not been met.

Approval of Annual Return
The Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulations 2014 require the Council to approve the accounting statements by the members meeting as a whole and for the Chair of the meeting to sign and date the Annual Return. The accounting statements have not been approved by the Council as a whole and this has been agreed n the form of acceptance by email. The Regulations require a minimum that members can hear each other during meetings, therefore the use of emails to approve the Annual Return is not lawful.
The Audit was due by the end of July, 2020 and then it was extended until the end of September, up until that time we weren’t allowed to meet in Village Halls and we had not held virtual meetings.
Payments to the Clerk
Inn 2019-20, the Clerk received £333 in taxable benefits that have not been subject to tax through PAYE or a benefits in kind declaration. Please note that the Council is required to administer taxation of its employees’ salaries and taxable benefits. Therefore the correct response to assertion 3 on the Annual Governance Statement (part 1) is “No”.
I have now changed Clerks expenses to Clerks expenditure. I have spoken to the Accountant and any expenditure I incur will be included with my wages, noted separately.

Additionally, during our review we identified another matter that we wish to draw to the Council’s attention which does not affect our audit opinion but should be addressed by the Council.
Accounting Statement, Box 14 – Trust fund disclosure note
Box 14 on the Accounting Statement, trust funds disclosure note, was left unanswered for 2018/2019 on the Annual Return. The Council has confirmed that it does not act as a sole trustee nor is it responsible for managing trust funds or assets and so this box should read “N/A”. In future the Council should ensure the Annual Return is completed in full prior to the submission to External Auditors.

Audit 2021/2022/2023
The Audit will be an inhouse Audit by the Wales Audit Office over a three year period. Llanwrda Community Council will have its audit over the next three years: Basic, Basic, Full. Further information will become available.

S137 Local Government Act
The appropriate sum for 2021/2022 would be £8.41.

8. Public Question Time
No one present.

9. Urgent business

9 (vi) – NHS awareness day 5th July, 2021
This would be discussed later in the year, information to be passed to members of the village to take forward but would be supported by Llanwrda Community Council.

9 (vii) Dog fouling
It was reported that dog fouling was causing problems around the area near the old school and surrounding areas. It was discussed and agreed to approach Carmarthenshire Council for Dog Fouling signs, also an extra Litter Bin was required. If they were unable to supply a bin it was agreed to purchase from Glasdon, the emptying of the bin would need to be discussed as it wasn’t on Council property.

9 (viii) Co-option of a Community Councillor
It was agreed to place a note in the South Wales Guardian under Llanwrda News.

10. Date of next meeting
The next meeting to be held on Wednesday February 17th, 2021.