Minutes April 2021


Minutes of the virtual meeting of Llanwrda Community Council held on Wednesday 28th
April, 2021

Chairman:Councillor J. Shipton
Councillors:J. Thompson, R. Jones, M. Carroll
County Councillor A. Davies

Councillor B. Haworth

2.Minutes of the meeting held on 17th March, 2021
Minutes accepted as correct.

3.Declaration of Interest
Councillor M. Carroll – Cornwallis
County Councillor A. Davies – Cornwallis

4.Matters arising from the minutes:

9 (a)Playing Field
It was reported that the Litter Bins were always full, therefore it was discussed and agreed
to purchase a new extra Litter Bin for the Play Area as before from Glasdon. Also, to ask
for extra dog fouling stickers.

8 (1)Road to Llanwrda Station – Moss on Road
It’s still covered in moss.

8 (2)Road to Llanwrda Station – repairs to pavement, etc.
Nothing has been done to repair the pavement, the Clerk to send a reminder to

Carmarthenshire County Council.

9 (2)Public Footpaths
An advert had been placed on Facebook and the South Wales Guardian as was agreed at
the previous meeting. Only one reply had been received, from DHL Gwyn Fencing, the
company that removes the litter from the Play Area. It was agreed to send him a copy of
the Definitive Map and a list of the Public Footpaths in Llanwrda

The County Councillor reported that a new sign had been placed near Gilfach.

9 (ii)Village Speed Limit
It was agreed to invite Mr Mike Jacob, Carmarthenshire County Council, to attend a virtual

9 (viii)Co-option of Community Councillor
Following a notice placed on Facebook, Mr Allan Turnbull, Felin Maestwynog sent an
email asking to be considered for the vacancy. It was discussed and agreed to invite Mr
Turnbull to become a member of Llanwrda Community Council.

9 (b)Web Site
In his absence a note had been received from Community Councillor B. Haworth stating
that he can’t see the point of having a Council only website. It had been agreed at the last
meeting that it remain as Community Council website as events were not being held due
to COVID-19. He also requested a copy of the policy referred to in the minutes. The
Clerk explained it wasn’t a policy but an agreement, it had been agreed that the Clerk be
responsible for what was being placed on the website, as it was only Community Council

Fly Tipping
Nothing further to report regarding the Fly Tipping between the village and Capel Dewi.


5.1 (b)Report from County Councillor
(1)Changes were being sometime in the future to change the Rubbish collections,
Glass would be kerb collected, Food Waste every week, black bags every 3 weeks
(2)Broadband on the area would be by one provider, Rhandirmwyn and Cilycwm were
joining with Wefibre.
(3)Two Wind Turbines in the area were being considered to be placed before
Planning. One would be on the border of Llansadwrn and Llanwrda.

5.2 (b)Report from Cornwallis Trust Liaison
Nothing to report.

5.3 (b)Report from Police Liaison
Absent from the meeting.

(a)An email had been received from Mr Clive Roberts mentioned the flooding due to
the recent rainfall. He also mentioned the financial assistance discussed at a previous
informal Cornwallis meeting. It was discussed and agreed to inform Mr. Roberts, that the
members of the Community Council who attended that meeting were there as residents of
the village and not in an official capacity as members of the Community Council.
Councillor Haworth had sent a note to the meeting stating that “at no point did I state or
intimate that I was objecting to Cornwallis receiving a donation from the Community
(b)One Voice Wales Bulletin
(c)WAG – Electoral Newsletter
(d)Emergency Road Closure from the Feathers
(e)Emergency Road Closure Caio
(f)River basin management plan consultation
(g)Code of Conduct Training and report
(h)Introduction of Corporate Landlord status
(i)Virtual Tour of St Peters Church
(j)Volunteers for May 6th Election

(k)Tesco scam calls
(The above had been sent by e.mail)
(l)Carmarthenshire County Council – Planning Consultation PL/01516 – Cilfara Fach
– Construction of a stand along granny annex.
No comments/issues were received.


South Wales Guardian – £127.44
Moving Bird Garden equipment – £65.50

HOWLTA – Membership – £25.00

Audit report
Audit 2021/2022
Wales Audit Office informed Community Councils that they have decided to defer the
introduction of the new audit arrangements for one year. This is due to none receipt of
every Audit of Accounts for 2020/2021 and this year has been a difficult year due to the
COVID-19 pandemic and the sector has been particularly had hit.

Wales Audit Office has appointed Monday 20 September, 2021 as the date for the
exercise of electors’ rights to ask questions and make objections at audit.

Annual Return must be certified by the RFO and approved by the Council, by 30 June,

By 6 August, 2021 the enclosed audit notice must be placed on a noticeboard and on the
area website for a minimum of 14 days and after the 14 calendar days referred as above,
make the appropriate arrangement for the public to inspect the accounts and supporting
documents for a total of 20 working days to be completed by 17 September, 2021.

(a)Budget 2021/2022
Updated at the September meeting.

(b)Signing of quarterly financial statements and bank statements
These to be sent with the May minutes.

For information purposes only and audit, it was confirmed that S137 money can be used
for church upkeep.

8.Public Question Time
No one present.

9.Urgent business

10.Date of next meeting
The next virtual meeting will be held on Wednesday 19th May, 2021